
COVID-19 Response

We are Open and Providing Medical Care for Depression

We are committed to making sure you or your loved ones have access to the medical care you need and deserve, and that all care is provided in a safe and healthy manner.

At Knoxville Neurocare Therapy, our primary focus is to provide critically needed care while maintaining a safe and healthy environment for our patients and staff. We are closely monitoring all updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and local health authorities to make decisions concerning our clinic operations.

Uncertainty, whether at work, school, with family or finances, can produce stress. Stress can worsen symptoms of depression and other mental health conditions. We are committed to providing you the care you need even in the uncertain times caused by COVID-19.

New Health and Safety Actions Taken at Our Clinics:

  • Enhanced surface cleaning protocols used multiple times daily
  • All staff and patients are provided masks to wear in the clinic to minimize the risk of possible transmission of disease
  • Training and information has been provided to all staff to ensure a good understanding of the risk factors and symptoms of COVID-19, and how to protect our patients and themselves using best practices protocols
  • Patient scheduling has been modified to minimize the number of patients in our clinics at any given time, typically only 1 or 2 patients are present which allows for meeting or exceeding the recommended social distancing guidelines
  • We are now offering some virtual care options including initial consultations that can be conducted in an online manner if medically appropriate

The team at Knoxville NeuroCare Therapy is committed to providing the best care possible in the challenging times we face.

Dr. Kris Houser & Dr. Kelly Ownby
Medical Directors